Sunday, August 15, 2010

"A friend is a possession we earn, not a gift"

How lucky I am to have earned such a wonderful friend!!
If there is one person these past few years that I have laughed with, cried with, cried from laughter with, it is my dear friend Heather Taylor "H Taylor"!
How I love this woman, and what she adds to my life! She is spirited, never settles for less than who she thinks she can be and runs full speed ahead to the woman knows she has the potential to be! But most importantly, she is always there... these past 2 years have had their ups and downs for both of us, but through it all, she has been my listening ear, and true friend!
There are certain people in our lives that I feel give us a little glimpse of what our associations will be like in heaven, and this is exactly what Heather has done for me. Thanks for the glimpse Heather, and for being you and ALWAYS allowing me to do the same! I love you H Taylor! You once asked where I get my courage from... I think a piece of it is from my associations with people like you!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I have been reflecting over my life these past few months, and especially my attitude. I have noticed that one thing has been lacking... Gratitude!

I am grateful for people, I love people, and I love learning about them and being with them

I am grateful for smiles- I love it when I come across happy smiles on people's faces and when I can watch and wonder "what makes them happy?"!

I am grateful for family. Even though I don't always act like it, i hope my family knows I love them and would do anything for them. How lucky that we have eternity!

I am grateful for nature. I would literally hug a tree, only because I think things like trees flowers, water, grass, etc. all testify of Heavenly Father's love for his children. I sometimes feel so small next to a mountain, and am humbled to think that I was
god's crowning creation.

I am grateful to be alive. I am human, and it is all to true that sometimes I think life stinks, but in god's great mercy, he allows me little moments or tender mercies that remind me "Life is oh so sweet!!". I have a lot to live for!