Tuesday, January 5, 2010

So this is the new year...

Hey there! long time no blog... but seriously, a WHOLE semester of school has passed. oh goodness lots of things, lots and lots of things... to say that is! I will keep it short and sweet, Fall semester 2009 was incredible in every way. Seriously, I don't think I have been this happy in a long time. But I think thats how life goes, it just gets better and better! I met so many people, learned so many things, had so many ups and downs and just experienced LIFE!!! OH IT IS WONDERFUL!!! I kid you not, I wake up some mornings, most mornings, at Utah State and I just feel like singing ZIP-A-DEE-DOO-DAH! I am about to go back for the spring semester, which will also bring its excitement! I have my practicum for SPED which I am stoked about, and I just am exciting for change, its good! Then, on to summer, which consists of (hopefully) EFY counselor, and mission papers! what and exciting time of life... truly! I really just don't know what to say anymore, so how about my feelings right now?! I am very much realizing how human I am, and how everyday is really a struggle to overcome the natural man, but that is the beauty of this life and the gospel... it all comes step by step! I have a lot to work on, and I know this, but I am enjoying every minute of the learning process. So ONWARD AND UPWARD! the gospel is the truest thing there is and ever will be, I love Utah State, families are forever, and knowledge is power!